The Chicago Gallery of Haitian Art
Serge Jolimeau
b. 1952
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Serge Jolimeau has lived all his life in Croix-des-Bouquets, where he completed secondary school. He began his artistic career in 1972, working with Serisier Louisjuste, another metal sculptor; he joined the Centre d'Art the same year.
A shy, quiet young man, Jolimeau finds a way through his art to cope with his haunting fantasy and his personal conflicts. Coming from a family of farmers, voodoo and folklore are part of his everyday experience. Much of his work is devoted to the deities, demons and devils existing in his imagination and nourished by his background.
Bold, sensuous forms of almost baroque exuberance are lovingly adorned with separately forged pieces; unique is his way of superimposing figures reaching out into space. The complexity and richness of his creations are most evident in his larger-than-life sculptures, which are a perfect reflection of Jolimeau's complicated personality.
Stebich, Ute. Haitian Art. Brooklyn: The Brooklyn Museum, 1978