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Rose-Marie Desruisseau


Rose-Marie Desruisseau studied under the direction of Amerigo Montagutelli and Geo Remponeau at Haiti's Academy of Fine Arts, then worked in the studio of Petion Savain.  She has taken part in all the country's cultural movements:  from 1958 to 1961 she participated in the Foyer des Arts Plastiques, Brochette and Calfou.  In 1960, she worked side by side with Luckner Lazard, Dieudonne Cedor, Denis Emile, Nehemy Jean, Tiga and Antonio Joseph at Brochette.  


By 1963, Desruisseau's work had developed considerable forcefulness.  She studied ethnography from 1967 to 1972 and taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in 1977.  During the period of 1960-1980 she exhibited in nearly all the Haitian galleries and in Senegal, Caracas, Santo Domingo, the United States, Canada and Martinique.  She has taken part in various exhibitions at the French Institute of Haiti.  In 1974, she was awarded the Jacques Roumain first prize for her canvas Delivrance.


Nadal, Marie-Jose, and Gerald Bloncourt.

La Peinture Haitienne.  Paris:  Editions Nathan, 1986

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