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The Chicago Gallery of Haitian Art
Geo Remponeau
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Geo Remponeau was born in Port-au-Prince in 1916. He showed an early disposition for drawing and painting, and was one of the first Haitian artists to earn a living by using his skills for advertisements and publishing.
A pupil of Petion Savain, he won second prize in the 1939 IBM competition in New York. In 1942, he traveled to the US to study industrial design. He was one of the group who helped DeWitt Peters found the Centre D'Art 1944, and began the Centre's first treasurer. His contribution to Haitian art is immense. Through his work as an educator he trained some of Haiti's greatest artists.
Nadal, Marie-Jose, and Gerald Bloncourt.
La Peinture Haitienne. Paris: Editions Nathan, 1986
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